
Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Only dogs can hear

Today on the streetcar home I was all mellow and enjoying the iPod. Then a child a few seats back started howling. Screeching actually. Starting at a low pitch and then getting higher. Then starting again. About 30 times in a row. The mommy didn't do anything. And while I am usually laid back about things like this and try and find the humor in watching other people go insane, I found myself unable to be unstressed because of this child's noise. I was finding that my shoulders and jaw were clenching unvoluntarily. I felt my hands stiffen into fists. The pitch of the whine of the child was the most disturbing pitch ever known to man kind. The mommy didn't do anything. I will probably be that kind of mommy if such things are ever to be. I am rather good at ignoring things. I'm not sure if that is a good or a bad thing. That being said, such children should be silenced. Muzzles. I am condoning muzzles for such children.

Wow. I'm tired. Don't drink with friends on a Tuesday night. That is my advice.

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