
Thursday, October 19, 2006

Night and Day

Yesterday my roommates and I were discussing how we need a personal assistant. Not one each, we could share one. Lisa needs someone to help her with her homework and cooking, Corinna need someone to write her resume (and marry so she can stay in the country) and I need someone to do my laundry and tell me when to go to bed.

Because I have a major problem. Once it is like 10pm, I suddenly find 1000 things to occupy me, and regardless of my exhaustion, I dont' go to bed until after 1. All the time. Many nights I just sit at my computer going to the same webpages again and again, or I start googling people/things and it just never ends. Or suddenly I realize I HAVE to write in my blog.. because I have SO many important things to say. Then I go to bed after 1, knowing full well that I have to wake up the next morning at 6:30 and that I will be miserable in the morning, but somehow that isn't ever enough to make me actually go to sleep at a reasonable time. It is like I have this evil NIGHTTIME Kathryn who thrives on the pain and suffering that she puts MORNING Kathryn through. And let me tell you, it is not nice in the morning, after only 5 and a half hours sleep, when I have to pull myself out of bed and try and put myself together for work. I am CURSING at NIGHTTIME Kathryn, that evil bitch. Terrible.

I am thinking it stems from being the youngest kid. Growing up I always fought SO hard against my parents and babysitters when they tried to make me go to sleep. I never slept right away, I was always up listening to try and hear what I was missing, convinced that my parents and brother were PLAYING BOARD GAMES and having fun without me.

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