
Sunday, January 28, 2007

Before Bed

I have gotten into this terrible habit lately. I have always been one to put off going to bed (even when tired). I think it is some sort of continuation from childhood when i would try to avoid bedtime. I love sleep. I love my bed. But when it comes to be about that time when I should be in my pajamas and turning out the light, I procrastinate. And lately the procrastination has taken the form of:

1) Lying on the floor in front of my space heater. So warm. So cozy. So classy.

After I have had enough of that and I am starting to get high from the fumes of the space heater, I roll myself up off the floor and move downstairs.

2) Standing in a hot shower for too long. So warm. So cozy. So scalding. So damaging to my skin.

But I really struggle to move from either spot to my bed, where it is just as warm, far more comfortable, and less potentially damaging to my skin or lungs or whatever. And yet it continues. Night after night.

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