
Thursday, May 10, 2007

Things that make you go ughhh.....

I came home from a night of beer and pub trivia only to find my roommate trying to figure out how to get rid of some cat vomit on the downstairs hall mat. I automatically volunteered to help her, not realizing exactly what the vomit was made up of. It was regurgitated mouse. Chunks of it. In vomit. Ughh. So disgusting. We dragged the mat outside and tried to find the hose. Once we hooked it up she hid in the garage while I tried to hose it off, but there was no water pressure so the hose barely let out any water so I had to get really close to the mat and saw up close and personal what the cat has puked up. So, as I do, I started gagging. I tend to gag mostly at garbage. Rotting garbage. It make my roommates laugh hysterically. Usually I am OK with vomit. My brother vomited regularly as a child, as have friends who I have had to take care of or share rooms with. But vomit with chunks of mouse is a different story. Not exactly what I had in mind to wrap up the evening. Ugh. Gross.

Tuesday I played my first game of frisbee and my abs still kill. I love it! I didn't realize i was even using those muscles. I doubt that with all the socializing I do that I will ever develop a 6-pack, but it feels nice not to have to do sit ups or the plank to get an ab workout.

Ugh. I really can't get the image of that puke out of my head. That darn cat.

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