So today my jaw is killing me and while bored at work I started to get paranoid about the pain. I couldn't remember if jaw pain was a symptom for malaria or not. So I googled 'lockjaw symptom' and found the symptoms for tetanus.
Sometimes "lockjaw" is the first symptom – the involuntary clenching of the jaw muscles. Others begin with headache and irritability, followed by muscle stiffness and then muscle spasms. The muscles are described as rigid as a board. A high fever is common.But reading this, doesn't this sound like it could be the symptoms for a possessed person? Like Regan, in the Exorcist? Without the levitating over the bed and the glowing red eyes? Or do I just have Halloween on the brain?
Involuntary contractions of the facial muscles create an eerie smile. Contractions of the trunk muscles can bend a person over backward, so that only the back of the head and the heels touch the floor.
Seizures are common, as well as loss of bowel and bladder control. Sadly, the person remains fully conscious, and in extreme pain throughout the illness.
Michele is having a party tomorrow. Google ads beside my gmail always amuse me. For example, beside the email from Michele about the party, is an ad for Not just videos or photos (although there are both), but an actual business someone has started up, selling 50 lb bags of non-toxic jello, and instructional videos on how to put on your own jello wrestling party. I wonder if their company is profitable? I can't believe that Desmond didn't think of it first!
Hope your jaw is feeling better!
Alan (aka Dr. Greene -- the doc who wrote the lockjaw stuff you found on google).
I just want to say I love the title of this blog!! I just ran across this today.
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