
Thursday, October 26, 2006

Silver linings...

Suddenly my stress has taken on more physical manifestations. My jaw being sore from clenching my jaw and grinding my teeth in my sleep. The twitch in my eye is back. Shoulders tense. Heartburn/acid reflux. Yes, I know... I'm dead sexy. And then, to top it all off... yesterday evening I was looking in the mirror when I found not one but two grey hairs. Most of you are rolling your eyes at this. But other than one strange stray grey that I found in Grade 13, I haven't found grey hair before. Ever. And now, in the midst of a stressful time for me, two decide to rear their ugly heads. But I know the stress won't last much longer. Things are looking better for me, sanity-wise, come December. So I'm hoping the hairs were a fluke and that I'll have to wait another 10 years to find a couple greys. Fingers crossed.

Ok. I am sorry if anyone reading this is an exercise instructor, or is dating one or something, but every instructor at the gym I go to is a bit loopy. And I love it. There was the incident in the summer with the high instructor who wanted a car. And today my instructor was this great peppy, older woman who kept smiling big and talking directly to ME, which at first I thought was just because I hadn't been in that class before and maybe she wanted to be friendly. But then it just got a bit creepy. And then, once class had gotten into it's full swing and she wasn't just looking at me anymore (probably because I started avoiding eye contact), and she was talking about the "new release" of the class (they change the classes every 3 months to keep things fresh) and this was "Body Pump 59". She said, "wow, for a second there I thought I was 59, but I am not, I'm 49... I turn 50 next month. But I might as well be 59, celibacy is the name of the game here, kids. That's what happens when you are over 40 and divorced. There are very few things that make this body rock any more." And then she gave this hoarse cackle.

This type of talk continued on throughout the class. No one really responded. We're talking dead silence. It must be strange being an instructor, expected to be all bubbly and chatty, and when no one responds to your chat it is like you are talking into a great abyss. I guess that sometimes some pretty unexpected things come out of your mouth. Things that either make no sense at all, or are just really bizarre things to be sharing. It kept me entertained anyway. Although I kept my giggles to myself for fear that she would start talking to me again. But these crazy instructors sure inspire me to attend their classes. Much more fun that tv.

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