
Thursday, November 23, 2006

Spare some change?

Don't you hate it when you have not just one, but TWO ideas of what to write about in your blog, and then you sit in front of the computer and forget?

I got my hair cut today. I asked my hairdresser about how many people fall asleep when they get their hair cut. She says it only seems to happen when the clients know the hairdressers really well or if they are older men.

She was nice. I felt bad about making that quip the other day about my relief about popular girls from highschool becoming hairdressers.

I was walking home listening to my iPod really loudly. A man was sitting on some church steps with this really cool vintage bike, in a puffy down vest, punching a number into his fun little cell phone and he said something to me that I could only half hear, so I took out the ear phone and asked him to repeat himself because I was SURE that I had misheard him. Then he held out his hand and said again,"Spare some change?" I was just kind of shocked so I just kept walking without responding because I had no idea how to. He didn't look very needy, not that one needs to look needy to get change, but I just don't know... I'm still not sure what that was about.

I hate it when I give a boy my number and then a week later he still hasn't called. I immediately think that I gave him the wrong number by accident. Or that he just changed his mind. Dammit. I wish I didn't care.

Also, how great is it that someone from POLAND found my blog by googling "Hipsters don't drive cars" and someone from SPAIN found my blog by googling "Orientals crazy bra".

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