
Thursday, December 21, 2006

Christmas Cheer

My boss let me leave work a half of an hour early. I left work, knowing that I would be out of the office for the next 11 days (!) and felt so free. Sitting on the subway & streetcar, listening to Christmas music, I was actually getting choked up. Especially when I think about all the people who feel worse this time of year, instead of better. I'm so lucky that I get excited for Christmas. I associate it with good things. And people who I still have around me. So I am trying to remember how lucky I am. Because I know how quickly everything can change. Anyway, so I'm happy.

I went to the Eaton Centre to take photos and wander around tonight. It is a lot more fun to go to a crazy busy mall when you don't actually have any shopping to do and you can just pay attention to what is going on around you.

The best part of the night was when I took the streetcar to the mall. I had the singing streetcar driver! I love him! He sings the stops. "Grrrrr-aaaace StreeeeeT!" He has this lovely baritone voice. I wish he was my streetcar driver everyday. There used to be a subway driver who would be all funny and weird when he was driving later at night. He used to say things like "And for those folks who were wondering, the answer to tonight's trivia question was Banana. Thanks to everyone for trying!" Or he would say "St Clair Station.... Just kidding, folks, we're really at Dundas West Station!" People would laugh. Smile at each other. Stuff that doesn't normally happen in a subway, you know?

1 comment:

Lesterhead said...

Ah! Eaton Centre! Memories of trips to Toronto from Buffalo...

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