
Monday, March 26, 2007

Smells Like Mud


I finally saw Michel Gondry's The Science of Sleep. It was so strange but great. The type of film perfect to watch on a Sunday afternoon because it isn't too deep or depressing and yet isn't a stupid, mindless slapstick comedy. It makes you think a little, and gets the imagination going. And Gael Garcia Bernal can play quirky characters without making them annoying. And the supporting cast was also hilarious. I particularly liked his perverted co-worker.

The theme of dream state & reality and the thin line that separates them was particularly timely given the strange, vivid and sometimes compelling dreams I have been having lately. The film was also a great mental escape from a work disaster that i found out about yesterday that put my mood in the toilet. I checked my emails on Sunday morning to discover that a big project that we had been working on for months had completely failed in a big way. Basically our servers couldn't handle the project and not only did the actual task not work, we had a public relations disaster on our hands in that we had hundreds of angry students and teachers (a key market I focus on) contacting us with venomous emails and phone calls. It felt like all the work that I had done all year to promote goodwill and interest in the company I work for, had instantaneously been reversed. I was obviously upset. But Pho with Paul and the crazy-assed movie made me feel better. And last night I dreamt that everyone in my office was dealing with the emergency situations in their pajamas. I was dressed appropriately though - in my work clothes worn ON TOP of my pajamas. So I went into work in a strangely good mood. And close to 100 apologetic emails and a tentative damage control plan later, I am not too worried about it. Then again, I still have to face a bunch of said students & teachers face to face in the upcoming weeks. Hopefully a lynch mob doesn't form. Not that I could blame them, but really, we all know that hurling stones at an innocent marketing coordinator doesn't solve anything.

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