
Sunday, January 31, 2010

Where is the good news?

I thought the bad stuff was going to end at the strike of midnight on 31 December 2009? We had all agreed that although 2009 had some good parts, it was a shite year and we were moving on to bigger and better things in 2010.

Well, I did my part and adjusted my attitude and was ready to face some serious good news.


Dude, where's my good news? One very close friend lost her father very suddenly to cancer this week (he was just about to start chemo). Another has been in and out of the hospital with complications for Cystic Fibrosis and will likely need a double lung transplant this year. It seems like all the stories I hear lately are about looming operations, cheating husbands, unemployment, diabetes, cancer, gallbladder problems, ulcers.... it goes on.

Maybe we're following the wrong calender? When is Chinese New Year? Will the year of the Tiger show us more love? PLEASE?

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