
Friday, May 25, 2007

Things I started to write about and then stopped...

1) bird pooped on me a few days ago... is that considered good luck?

2) cat we care for pooped on our stairs a few days ago too. a cry for help?

3) ultimate frisbee = lots of running = good for body BUT ultimate frisbee also = going for beer after = bad for body. hmmm. i'm hoping it all evens out in the end.

4) golf tournament i attended because my company sponsored it. very very fun to play with golf carts all day. i also like the golfing. nice way to spend a day. i could definitely take up golfing one day...

5) i am going to a 'semi-formal' event on Friday and have been trying to figure out what to wear. i tried on a dress i bought last fall when I was about 5 or 10 pounds heavier. at that time it made me feel skinny, now i try it on and it seems to emphasize all the wrong things (read: hips). what the hell!?!?!

6) allergies are exhausting me lately. not letting me sleep well and I have been walking around in a daze. the anti-histamine that I usually take every allergy season seems to not be working this time around. Arhhgh!

7) I had goat today! met up with an Africa friend and went to great little Somali restaurant. all for $8 included goat, chapatis (YUM!), potatoes, a pitcher of watermelon koolaide, and a really delicious soup - spicy broth. So fun. Very fatty. I forgot how fatty goat is. But so delicious.

8) Where does the time go? It is June soon. Scaring me. I am really hoping it is the case that school stressing me out is just me preparing myself for the worst and that it will be better than I think... and that the reality isn't as bad or worse than I think!

9) I really need to start posting more... I am just never home!! Yet I don't want to just write about my day to day activities. Arhhghh.

10) Listening to the Smiths makes me so relaxed.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Meme rhymes with dream

I've been tagged! Read more about memes here.

Here are the rules:

1. List 7 random facts about yourself on your blog
2. Tag 7 more blogs , making sure to let them know.

Fact 1: When I was little I used to be afraid to go to sleep before my parents came home so I would keep the hall light on and listen to the radio (usually this station that would broadcast comedy shows) until they came home. And THEN I would fall asleep.

Fact 2: When I had my wisdom teeth taken out when I was 22 I remembered some guys from high school saying that you should tell the dentist that you can't feel the laughing gas so he will give you more. Well, I did that but eventually I started hallucinating and passed out from overdosing on laughing gas. After that they just put me on straight oxygen. The dentist's head came out of his mouth! It was CRAZY!

Fact 3: Favourite ice cream flavour - strawberry - but Oreo or chili chocolate are up there too.

Fact 4: I have always wanted a nickname but never had one. My friends mostly call me Kathryn and some call me Kat (as my family does). But in university I met a guy who nicknamed himself "Skippy" and I realized that it was a bit pathetic to force a nickname upon yourself so I'm stuck with Kat or Kathryn.

Fact 5: Some kids at school told me that if you go into a dark room and look into a mirror and say "bloody Mary" three times then Mary would appear to you. That would terrify me (most religious-related urban legends do) and to this day I still get creeped out when I am in a dark room with a mirror - I will avoid looking into it.

Fact 6: I think my two favourite words to say are banana and monkey. I'm not sure why, but I say them all the time. It has been like this for a couple of years. It's bananas.

Fact 7: I find looking out the window at night and watching the cars go by to be very soothing. Something about their headlights flashing by (particularly when it is rainy out) helps calm me down when I am upset or can't sleep.

I don't really know many bloggers. I will tag the Chateau Nice kids (Marzipan, Pat the Pun-gent, & Loretta the Champion! ) and if I can think of anyone else I will add them later! I got tagged from Lesterhead so check out here stuff!

Selective Rain

Yesterday it was so humid all day. After work I head downtown to grab some dinner before doing an evening presentation and the craziest thing happened. You could tell that it was going to rain. You could smell it in the air. I was walking down the street and could feel little spits of rain start to randomly hit me and the ground around me. As I was crossing one street I looked south down one block and saw complete chaos. It was a complete downpour with people running for cover, screeching and ducking into doorways. It made me stop and laugh out loud because it was only about 20 feet away from me but there was no rain on me. In fact, you could see a line on the road where the rain stopped. I wasn't the only one who noticed and a few of us just stood there, dumbfounded at the sight. It was actually a few minutes before the rain caught up to us too -but I've never seen anything quite like that before.

Gosh I've been so busy. My brain is going 2000 miles/minute. It is not just one thing, it is everything. I'm trying to adjust to having this second job plus my original job is keeping me on my toes (and on the road) a few days a week as well. I think I am also just stressed because I am going to visit my parents for the long weekend and I'm trying to prepare for it and feel rushed. I'm just tired. Usually I really like being busy. It keeps me happy. It really does. But then when there is just one little snag it throws the whole machine out of whack and suddenly I'm a mess. It will pass.

You know what I like? Ice cream. I think June should be all about ice cream consumption. I'm going to have to write that in my day planner.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Things that make you go ughhh.....

I came home from a night of beer and pub trivia only to find my roommate trying to figure out how to get rid of some cat vomit on the downstairs hall mat. I automatically volunteered to help her, not realizing exactly what the vomit was made up of. It was regurgitated mouse. Chunks of it. In vomit. Ughh. So disgusting. We dragged the mat outside and tried to find the hose. Once we hooked it up she hid in the garage while I tried to hose it off, but there was no water pressure so the hose barely let out any water so I had to get really close to the mat and saw up close and personal what the cat has puked up. So, as I do, I started gagging. I tend to gag mostly at garbage. Rotting garbage. It make my roommates laugh hysterically. Usually I am OK with vomit. My brother vomited regularly as a child, as have friends who I have had to take care of or share rooms with. But vomit with chunks of mouse is a different story. Not exactly what I had in mind to wrap up the evening. Ugh. Gross.

Tuesday I played my first game of frisbee and my abs still kill. I love it! I didn't realize i was even using those muscles. I doubt that with all the socializing I do that I will ever develop a 6-pack, but it feels nice not to have to do sit ups or the plank to get an ab workout.

Ugh. I really can't get the image of that puke out of my head. That darn cat.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007


Sometimes I get so tired that I can't function anymore. Wow, what a revelation, huh! I'm so unique. No, but what I'm trying to say is that last night I went to see this preview of a documentary my friend is working on about Barrick Gold and the unbelievable human rights and environmental abuses behind its successes. Drilling glaciers and cyanide in drinking water, police brutality and government corruption. Anyway, we went to the later showing (introduced by the fabulous NO LOGO author Naomi Klein) and his film was followed by a similarly themed full-length doc regarding the situation of Barrick in Australia. The second doc was good but LONG and I got really really tired. Twitchy legs tired? You ever get that? When you are so tired you just want to lie down so your whole body gets fidgety and twitchy? Strange and VERY irritating phenomenon, particularly when you are in a place where you can't really get up and leave without seeming rather rude. By the time it was all over I was so exhausted I wanted to RUN out the door so that I could get home and into my bed as quickly as was humanly possible. I could hardly even talk. Luckily I was with people who were understanding enough to know that I get like that sometimes. :) I actually did run at one point. Exhausted yet I knew that by running I could be sleeping sooner so I decided to expend the energy for the greater cause. I can just imagine what I must have looked like. Times like that I just wish I was a little kid whose mom could just pick up and put me into the back of the car so that I could just drift off with no worries about getting home, missing streetcars, packing lunches all before being able to sleep. Sometimes being an adult is hard for the stupidest reasons.

I think I inadvertently insulted one of my roommates. I came home and she was making and eating soup. I went upstairs for about an hour. Downstairs again to boil some water and saw her at the stove cooking an omelette. "Didn't you already eat?" I blurted out. I thought it was funny. She looked hurt and said "That was mean! It's not like I'm fat or anything!". Oops. I apologized but I think it was too late. I really didn't think she would be insulted. #1 she is tall and super super skinny - my friend K thinks she is a dead ringer for Mila Jovovich (very true). So I didn't think she would get insulted about something like that. #2 she is German and usually seems not to take insult in anything people say. In fact, I have found her to be fairly insensitive at times herself. #3 I really didn't think before I spoke or mean anything by it. I guess that is my mistake. See what happens when you are overtired? Bad things all around. Sleep is the only solution.

I really like the new Feist album. FUN.

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