
Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Meme rhymes with dream

I've been tagged! Read more about memes here.

Here are the rules:

1. List 7 random facts about yourself on your blog
2. Tag 7 more blogs , making sure to let them know.

Fact 1: When I was little I used to be afraid to go to sleep before my parents came home so I would keep the hall light on and listen to the radio (usually this station that would broadcast comedy shows) until they came home. And THEN I would fall asleep.

Fact 2: When I had my wisdom teeth taken out when I was 22 I remembered some guys from high school saying that you should tell the dentist that you can't feel the laughing gas so he will give you more. Well, I did that but eventually I started hallucinating and passed out from overdosing on laughing gas. After that they just put me on straight oxygen. The dentist's head came out of his mouth! It was CRAZY!

Fact 3: Favourite ice cream flavour - strawberry - but Oreo or chili chocolate are up there too.

Fact 4: I have always wanted a nickname but never had one. My friends mostly call me Kathryn and some call me Kat (as my family does). But in university I met a guy who nicknamed himself "Skippy" and I realized that it was a bit pathetic to force a nickname upon yourself so I'm stuck with Kat or Kathryn.

Fact 5: Some kids at school told me that if you go into a dark room and look into a mirror and say "bloody Mary" three times then Mary would appear to you. That would terrify me (most religious-related urban legends do) and to this day I still get creeped out when I am in a dark room with a mirror - I will avoid looking into it.

Fact 6: I think my two favourite words to say are banana and monkey. I'm not sure why, but I say them all the time. It has been like this for a couple of years. It's bananas.

Fact 7: I find looking out the window at night and watching the cars go by to be very soothing. Something about their headlights flashing by (particularly when it is rainy out) helps calm me down when I am upset or can't sleep.

I don't really know many bloggers. I will tag the Chateau Nice kids (Marzipan, Pat the Pun-gent, & Loretta the Champion! ) and if I can think of anyone else I will add them later! I got tagged from Lesterhead so check out here stuff!

1 comment:

Lesterhead said...

I was desperate for a nickname when I was growing up!

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