
Tuesday, October 17, 2006


The company I work for has posted their new commercials on YouTube. Good idea. Although I have to say that I really think the ads are stupid. But that is just my opinion.

I took a creative advertising certificate program in conjunction with my university degree. Despite violently hating some of the teaching staff, it was pretty fun. How bad can assignments be when you get to do radio jingles and produce them, or do mock-up for television commercials and present them to the class? Well, as some of my former classmates can attest, it can be pure hell at times, but in retrospect, it was a little more interesting than if we had been doing ACCOUNTING all day long.

My first forays into advertising came in Grade 4 when requested to create an ad for a product I had created. My product was "Pimple Products" and I masterminded a rap which my current BFF Cara and I videoed, complete with gangsta rap dance moves. I still remember the entire thing:

Pimple Products are the one for you
If you don't want zits then grab yourself a tube
In spray and soap and medical pads
Use this stuff cause it's really rad

Then we ended with a little voicebox sound effects and the old arm cross, we're so tough, pose. (Even funnier to keep in mind is this was during my "afro-mullet / I wear jumpsuits" days). Perhaps my great ability to write compelling ads at such a young age can be explained by some of my early influences, namely my favourite ads when I was about that age, the BONKERS commercials. Fruit flying out of the sky and falling on people! Pure hilarity! Totally rad.

How to succeed in advertising indeed. Obviously, my natural abilities and eye for great ads gives me licence to be as critical as I want of other people's work.


Beth said...

My commercial from 4th grade, sung to the tune of "Stop! In the Name of Love"

Stop! In the name of health
You might need some help
Think it o-over
Then call AMBU-BIKE
It might SAVE your LIFE
so call AMBU-BIKE

...hello this is ambu-bike, can I help you?

Yeah you might be able to guess what that was for. And it wasn't a school assignment.. it was for fun. Woo!

orange you glad said...

Wow! I am glad I am not the only one. Hey, wanna start an ad agency! I think we have TALENT!

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