
Monday, March 19, 2007

My Own Private Avocado

Mmm. I love avocados.

This whole Facebook thing is really becoming addictive. I don't even WANT to like it, but I do. It is such a great time waster. I swear, I joined initially to do some research for work. But then someone found me and added me as a friend. From there, it has just grown. People from elementary school, high school, my Denmark year, university, Kenya, Travel CUTS, friends of friends, the list goes on...

How much time do we waste on the internet? How many websites do I read that I really shouldn't bother? Celebrity gossip sites? The same news stories from three different papers?

I want to get a timer attached to my laptop so I can start limiting my internet time. Once I go back to school, maybe I will do that. How much time is enough? An hour a day? 30 minutes? Somehow I really doubt that I would be able to handle that.

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