
Wednesday, May 17, 2006


Michele got these free tickets to see a sneak preview of Poseidon last week. It was during the day so she gave them to me and I took Christian along to thank him for all those great documentary tickets he gave me - totally a fair trade, I don't know what he was complaining about. I must say that despite it's bad reviews - the movie can be a really great time. Really, I haven't laughed so much in a film in a long time. The key? Play "name the Kurt Russel movie this was from". I'll give you a hint - Backdraft is the answer half the time. Overboard, anyone? Tango and Cash? Capitan Ron? I didn't realize how many Kurt Russel movies I had seen until Poseidon revisted them all. Mix it in with a little Armageddon and you've got yourself a BLOCKBUSTER! I was hoping all the way through for some sharks for the sake of Richard Dreyfuss but it never happened. (Sorry for the spoiler).

I've found some interesting things online this week (when I should have been job-searching).
This link is for Brokeback to the Future. I have seen a couple of these Brokeback Mountain rip offs but this one is the best.

Then there are these guys who are skateboarding across Canada to raise money for Breast Cancer. I will donate money to them once I have a job. And its not just because they are skateboarders and I used to have crushes on skateboarders in highschool. Really.

The last thing is this New York cabbie who keeps a food journal. He is funny and makes me want to eat burgers despite my distain towards beef. The guy sure is having a lot of fun being a cab driver.

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