
Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Shiny Shoes

I am having a hard time writing lately. But I am really happy. It's because I feel like I am being organized and getting things done accomplishing things. Plus the weather is good and I have a nice tan and I like wearing high heels to work. It is just that nothing very exciting has happened lately.

A few things on my mind that are random and seemingly unrelated:

1) I still think Helsinki is spelled (and pronounced) Helinski.
2) I still don't know my right from my left - I have to look at my hand every time to see which one makes the L between the thumb and forefinger. Very embarrassing when attending yoga classes and I have to do it EVERY TIME. And I mean EVERY MOVE - I NEVER REMEMBER. Something is very wrong with my brain. I am very good with north, south, east, west, and have a naturally good sense of direction but the left/right thing sucks.
3) I am completely boy crazy lately. This could be dangerous.
4) Had dreams this weekend that I had no arms and went swimming but I was ok.
5) Reading the news fills me with such hopelessness. People just make me really sad when I see how full of hatred and anger and greed they are. Everyone from corrupt politicians to the every-man who writes a horrifyingly hateful comment regarding a local story. It's hard not to want to give up when you see and experience things like that and realize that there is just so much hatred and bad stuff, even right in your own back yard. But then once in a while something I read gives me the tiniest sliver of hope and it makes it all worth while. That's why I'm addicted to news.
6) Did I mention that my (somewhat pretend) band recorded some songs in a studio a few weekends ago and one of the songs had a recorder solo in it? MY recorder solo. I think my life is now complete!

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