
Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Little things

Last night I had a dream that I was on a picnic with Peter Saarsgaard, but he was all huge and a body builder and told me that he wakes up at 4:30am to work out and that he was disappointed that the beetroot salad he made didn't turn out as creamy as he wanted. Hmmm. Ok.

I was totally on the ball this morning. Totally psyched that I would be on time for work. Early even. Until my contact dramatically flung itself from my eye and I didn't find it until it was under my foot. It was a disposable one - but still! So I was a little late and missed the streetcar by thismuch only to wait 10 minutes for the next one and discover that I forgot my transit pass at home. GARRR! Now already running late I will have to pay the $2.75 each way. The pissy thing about this is that I have 'back up' tickets usually but my wallet broke so they are at home on my desk and that yesterday I found a token in my change purse but gave it to a friend because "I will never need this!".

Somehow only 10 minutes late to work but I was still put in a bad mood by that little string of events. At least the computers were back up. So in between actual work, and reading Youth by J.M. Coetzee, I looked at apartments that I want to move into in the spring. And drew floor plans of how I would put my furniture. Ok, it was a slow day! :)

On my way home I went to the gym, only to discover that I forgot my gym card at home. NOT FUNNY! That's it. I'm buying a new wallet tomorrow.

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