
Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Hearing things

Since my iPod died I have noticed that random songs have started popping in my head again. Songs that I don't have on my iPod. Like the Macarena. And like NSYNC songs. It is strange. But now instead of my iPod being on random, my brain is on random. And random it is.

OK, I realized I never updated about what the final result was from my interview etc etc. So, on Monday I get this email from them and it is just a response to my last email so the title is the same, and with Gmail, you can read the first few lines of the letter and all I can see is "Dear Kathryn Thank you for attending the interview with" and that's it. So I am panicking and not wanting to open it. Thinking that they would have opened with "Congratulations" if I would have got in. But at the same time, I knew there was a possibility that it might be an acceptance. But I didn't want to know either way. So I waited 5 minutes. With knots in my stomach. But still not wanting to face it, regardless of what it said.

Finally, I clicked on it and it said "I am now writing to let you know the decision of the Admissions Committee, and I am delighted to say that we will be offering you a place on the MBA programme."

I got in. And i was nervous and tense and scared but happy. Very shocked. Very, very shocked. I think during the whole, huge process... starting way back in April when I started studying for my GMAT, I never really truly thought I would get in. But it was my goal all along. From day one. And so all my hard work payed off. So next year, I will go to Cambridge. Scary but good. It is going to be so hard. But the harder it is, the more I'll get out of it. Right?!


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Congratulations Kat !!!

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