
Thursday, March 15, 2007

Quiz Show

St Patty's Day themed pub quiz. I got a bunch of the Samuel Beckett questions right. But missed a bunch of other ones. Particularly the music "name that tune" section. Although I didrecognize a clip from the song "I don't like Mondays" by The Boomtown Rats (who are apparently Irish) Did you know that in 2004, the country that drank more per capita than Ireland (for the first time in recorded history) was the Czech Republic? The first Irish James Bond? - Pierce Brosnan. What does the shamrock (the three leafed clover) traditionally represent to the Irish? - the HOLY TRINITY! Kathy Ireland? - NOT IRISH! That wasn't a question... we actually had to identify a photo of her.

I loves me some pub quiz.

My job is exhausting me lately. I'm mentally drained. It is not so much the work anymore, just that I am getting discouraged about a bunch of things. Although all the hours of overtime and travel and lugging things all over the city and province certainly doesn't do much for the spirit either. The 8 month marathon is nearly over. Like 2 weeks to go.

Can you believe that Kathy Ireland is not Irish?

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