
Tuesday, June 26, 2007


It is something like 30 degrees Celsius here, with humidity the temp is closer to 38 (according to weather network). Hot. Sticky. Yet, Tuesday night ultimate Frisbee nights, tonight being the playoffs, we are still out there, ready to go. Somehow trying to make things seem better by saying "wow, it's much cooler than last week" or, "hey, there's even a little bit of a breeze". Despite the fact that we are already drenched in our own sweat before we even begin playing. Somehow you really don't notice that much. Once you are drenched, you are drenched! It certainly isn't something to talk to your teammates about.

I love the team sports though. How much fun is it to be able to yell and cheer and not feel like an idiot? You instantly have a smile on your face. High-fives are a great self-esteem builder. I honestly love it. Even though I'm not great, it is just so addictive. Plus we have a great team, so that helps too. Nice that at least 4 or 5 of us go for drinks after the game each week - tonight it was the whole team. So fun.

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