
Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Marginally Crazy Lady Next Door
Originally uploaded by Kattaka.
1) Next door neighbour is an old lady who comes outside and yells at her reflection in garage entrance reflection. Is it mean that I took a photo of it? It is just so strange to witness and kind of sad.

2) This is just wrong on so many levels. But hilarious and that is what really matters. Thanks to CityCrab for pointing this out.

3) Camel Library. Whoa. Loretta from Chateau Nice gave me this link. I had never heard of it done that way. Novel idea (GET IT?!). The only thing I heard of like that in Kenya was the travelling movie theatre to allow villagers a chance to see motion pictures for the first time in their lives.

4) I had 2 interviews today. The first was at 8:30am so I woke up at 6 and had lots of coffee just to make sure I was fairly alert by the time my interview started. They both went fairly well. I have to say that the more BIG CORPORATE company that I interviewed with was really tempting. I think I might want that job. It would just be nice to work for a company that is growing like crazy, has lots of money, and would send me off to different places in the US and UK for conferences/trade shows. Now I just have to do an assignment (press release and 4 page brochure) by Friday. And have another interview Friday. Second interviews will be next week if I get any call backs. This whole job search thing is TIRING!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Kathryn! Hope those interviews turn out! viv:)

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