
Friday, December 08, 2006

Such Great Heights

Last night I dreamt that I was standing on a miles high skyscraper to enjoy the view. I couldn't remember how I got up there and I was talking on a cell phone to my friend (miles below me) who told me that the only way down was to jump over to the next building (about 1/2 mile away and a good 1/2 mile below) and use a jet pack strapped to my back that might not work. You could only tell if it worked by jumping off the building.

It was a bit of a scary dream. But I was trying to stay calm. I have this fear of heights and often have dreams where I am falling pretty much forever. Most of my dreams consists of the time and emotions that I face as I fall to my impending death. I often wonder if I will die instantly or not. And if it will hurt. So that was strange. It was a sunny, clear day in the dream and a very nice view aside from the dizzying look downward.

Today I used some of my many overtime hours to take the day off work and did some sleeping in and catching up on things. Harassed my friends who are at work and wore my pajamas layered with fleece and a toque because it is COLD in my apartment. Even with my space heater blasting away it is too chilly for my liking.

How many months does winter last again?

1 comment:

Monsieur Bonhomme said...

I have a theory about nightmares -
ie it's in your PILLOW.

Change your pillow (and by doing so, your head angle when sleeping)and your nightmares will change, or hopefully disappear.

I used to have one pillow in particular - an Obusform neck pillow - that sometimes gave me nightmares about sliding on a sheet of ice over a cliff. Then I tried a new pillow, and the nightmares stopped. When I hurt my neck and started using the pillow again - they resumed... gotta switch up those sleeping positions.

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