
Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Trees that sparkle

Today was a good day. It was cold but sunny, so the snow in the trees melted just enough to form beautiful shiny icicles on all the branches. It was so pretty.

I was on my way home thinking about challenges and how they really push us to be our best, despite the fact that they are hard as hell when you are working through them. And I decided that if I got accepted into the really hard school that I applied to, then I should go, even if the program at the other (still really good) school that I already got into is more of a perfect fit for me. Just because it would be a challenge and scary thing to go to the hard school, and it would really expose me to things I would never encounter at the other school. It would also cause me to uproot myself again, and for once I am feeling like staying here for a while. So I got home and promptly found in my inbox that I have been offered an interview at the hard school. Wow. So now I just need to figure out how to proceed next, try to ask for a decision extension from already accepted school and try to figure out how to ace the interview. Shite. Happy but crazy anxiety about the whole thing.

I had such a fun night going skating and watching the hockey game and drinking beer and having wings that I almost completely forgot about school stresses. Skating! It was so cold! I am still cold! FUN!

1 comment:

Monsieur Bonhomme said...

congrats - go for hard!

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