
Monday, February 26, 2007

Stef's Birthday

Why do birthdays make people in bad moods? I have been OK with my big day the past few years but this year again I was all down about everything. I hate that. But as soon as I was able to forget about the fact that it was my birthday, I was fine again. Mysterious indeed.

But it was a good weekend. Party with friends on Friday. Nice walk around the sunny city all day Saturday. Dancing with friends on Saturday. Brunch (consumed WAY too much pancakes, tater tots, eggs, bacon and jello), movie, then Oscars (with 2 cakes made for me!) on Sunday.

One person that made me mad was Stef. See, I share my birthday with an old classmate of mine, Jermaine. This year he turned 30. So on Saturday night a bunch of us went for dancing to a local bar which was supposed to have decent music. Mariza & I got there early and were surprised to find posters mentioning "Stef's birthday party" and we saw that My Little Pony graphics were in use in and around the club. Our entrance cover went towards some sort of horse rescue fund rather than to the greedy club owners. And there was a band playing that were FAR from what the website said was supposed to be playing. There was an accordion! (Don't get me wrong - I love the accordion, but i knew that Jermaine would not be pleased with the accordion-weilding band). Plus this "Stef" person kept appearing on stage to give an over-the-top screech and faking embarrassment whenever the band wished her a happy birthday. The band kept mentioning references to Stef before each of their songs. How Stef used to like the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. How Stef likes horses. How great Stef is.

Ok, I'll admit. I was a bit jealous that someone else was getting all the attention when it was my, I mean, Jermaine's birthday. Did Stef really have to hog the spotlight so much? Especially once her band friends left and the advertised DJ came and did the 'normal' music? Did she still have to keep jumping on stage and doing weird little dance performances? I'm only thinking of how Jermaine felt about all this, you understand. But we didn't fight with her. We are far too old and brittle for that kind of thing. Plus that accordion player looked tough.

Pisces babies are taking over the world. I have about 5 friends' birthdays coming up in the next couple of weeks. Happy fun times to carry me over into spring and the thaw. Soooooo looking forward to the thaw.

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